27 definitions by Tori

a word to express exsageration of something and to stall from spitting out words
Like he was like and I was like and yeah it was like um um yeah like totatly
by Tori July 7, 2004
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often confused with love, it is purely physical attraction and has no lasting effect
she lusted after him, his eyes, his hair, his body
by Tori September 5, 2003
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to bury your face into someone's side in a manner which tickles and makes them laugh
snuffly wuffly! u should try it, it's fun
by Tori December 26, 2005
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Oxycodone is a very strong narcotic pain reliever. It is meant to be taken in pill form not broken, eaten, or crushed.

Taking it in crushed form can result in a drug overdose.
I was presribed oxycodone after syrgery
by Tori February 17, 2004
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relating to a squirrel in the sense that one has numerous amounts of nuts in his/her mouth (nuts being male testicles)
Ashley was squirreling Brian the other night in the back seat of his car.
by Tori January 4, 2004
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