3 definitions by Tootsoonie

A tootsoonie doesn't even deserve to be capitalized as a noun. It's a tootsoon and sometimes pronounced as tsootsoon. Italian for nigger. Also known as castania brugate, which is Italian for burnt chestnut. Better known to be an up and comer in the Call of Duty 4 rankings. Often cathing Monarch butterflies, singing the moofoomoofoo-man chant or watching the sunset behind the MooseShagger himself. You can find a tootsoonie in Scarborough, FO SHO!!! "Ain't nothin' but a g thang bay-bay", or possibly in my basement.
What's the difference between a picnic table and a tootsoonie? ....one supports a family, the other doesn't.

What do you call 2 tootsoonies in a sleeping bag? ..TWIX

by Tootsoonie May 21, 2008
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Not to be confused with a Chinese New Year rooster. It's not a name, it's a status. This status is not just given to anyone, it's earned. You can earn your Goldenkawk status by bicycle-kicking a volleyball off the back of Tory's head or yelling at a tootsoonie threatening to kill you with his mango!! All joking aside, Goldenkawk has been known to distract his enemies with great success. The OPP has reported that Goldenhawk repeatedly distracted Fire Dog Willie with cappiccolla and mortadella during a security briefing with his platoon.

Goldenkawk is to be considered kawked and loaded.

Last known whereabouts: DRAMA CLASS 101; letting them rip on metal chairs after the teacher shut the lights off, PHYS-ED; telling the gymnist to "flip on out!" and ENGLISH; pulling the Kansas City Shuffle on poor Laura.. YOU KNEW YOUR WALKMAN BATTERIES WERE DEAD!!
Player1: what the fuck are you doing.. I'm on your team!??

Goldenkawk: in your moww.. in your moww

by Tootsoonie July 14, 2008
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Known only to be the best Call of Duty 4 player to date. With his sneaky death dance in various maps, he jumps rapidly to scare away his opponent as he tea-bags them after death and before re-spawning. Think twice about joining a team with this guy, he'll randomly throw grenades at you or even a flash bang when you least expect it. He is the Man. He is the Legend.
Aww... that fucken moofoomoofoo killed me again!

Who's afraid of the moofoo man, the moofoo man, the moofoo man....??
by Tootsoonie May 13, 2008