3 definitions by TooTrue

If your study was largely financed by the tremendous support of your family and especially grandmother, rather than financial institutions.
Other people have got student loands, I have got granny loans. She's the best.
by TooTrue March 19, 2015
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1.Used to categorize an affliction that turns a normal woman into a mountainous, sloppy looking woman with a snub button nose and a haircut that was crafted with a lawnmower. Usu. gotten by having low self esteem, recreational drug use, poor diet, and lack of intellectual stimulus.
2.Any other similarly or un-similarly described fatter female afflicted with this ailment.
Ex1: Friend1-" What in the hell happened to her?!"
Friend 2-"You didn't hear? S'shame. She developed Mad Cow Disease..."
Friend-1 "Fuck!"
by TooTrue August 26, 2008
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Used to categorize a shamefully chunky girl with a knockout face. Used disparagingly.
Ex1: "Dang, ol' bitch ova dere be a butterbod, son! Needa be doin some pushbacks!"

Ex2:"I'd give her a hurtin' ,if she weren't such a butterbod"
by TooTrue August 26, 2008
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