3 definitions by TooTrue
If your study was largely financed by the tremendous support of your family and especially grandmother, rather than financial institutions.
by TooTrue March 19, 2015
1.Used to categorize an affliction that turns a normal woman into a mountainous, sloppy looking woman with a snub button nose and a haircut that was crafted with a lawnmower. Usu. gotten by having low self esteem, recreational drug use, poor diet, and lack of intellectual stimulus.
2.Any other similarly or un-similarly described fatter female afflicted with this ailment.
2.Any other similarly or un-similarly described fatter female afflicted with this ailment.
Ex1: Friend1-" What in the hell happened to her?!"
Friend 2-"You didn't hear? S'shame. She developed Mad Cow Disease..."
Friend-1 "Fuck!"
Friend 2-"You didn't hear? S'shame. She developed Mad Cow Disease..."
Friend-1 "Fuck!"
by TooTrue August 26, 2008
Ex1: "Dang, ol' bitch ova dere be a butterbod, son! Needa be doin some pushbacks!"
Ex2:"I'd give her a hurtin' ,if she weren't such a butterbod"
Ex2:"I'd give her a hurtin' ,if she weren't such a butterbod"
by TooTrue August 26, 2008