9 definitions by Tom K.

the aftermath of bringing a fart up to the gate, and finding out that it indeed was something else.

the presence of spongebob usually requires a safety wipe or sometimes, a new pair of underpants
guy 1: Man, that one sounded juicy!

guy 2: Yeah. I'd better go to the bathroom. I think I have a little spongebob hangin'
by Tom K. February 4, 2005
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A Proclamation to a girl with an awesome ghetto booty

(this sounds stupid until put into context- try it, and you will agree)
Damn, Dude! Look at the ASS on that girl!

by Tom K. February 7, 2005
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A car rinse resulting from a rainfall.

This usually requires said car owner to be lazy, cheap, or both.
Guy 1: Man, It's raining again!

Guy 2: That's cool, always up for a Mexican CarWash!
by Tom K. February 7, 2005
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a penis so small that when it is in flacid state, it can not be seen by the naked eye

(similar to the innie and outie of belly-buttons)
guy 1: I hate my small dick, man

guy 2: how small?

guy 1: 3 inches

guy 2: Thats nothing! When I get out of the pool, mine's an innie!
by Tom K. February 4, 2005
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A male homosexual act involving the anus, a straw and a bottle of lite maple syrup.
I really feel like this one does NOT need to be used in an example
by Tom K. February 4, 2005
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7 cocks; 2 in the hut, 1 in the butt, 2 in the mouth and one in each ear or other extraeneous orifice of your choice
Man, That's a hungry trucker!
by Tom K. February 2, 2005
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The act of tying down a girl's arms and legs, wherein she believes that she will be pleasured. As soon as she is completely immobile, you grab her titties, twist 'em as hard as you can and RUN!

(usually used as a retaliation measure)
Man, I found out that bitch was cheating on me, and she never said a word! To get back at her, i tied her down one and socket-wrenched the hell out of her!
by Tom K. February 4, 2005
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