4 definitions by ThiccDiccNicc

A game where you think that it is full of fucking 5 year olds when actually there are fucking teens and people in their 20’s playing this shit. A game where the censorship is fucking insane. The chat will censor numbers, even when you spell the numbers out, for example it will censor the word three, it will censor simple names, it censors the word stupid, like boi is it REALLY gonna hurt someone’s fragile little feelings? It censors fucking EVERYTHING
by ThiccDiccNicc July 5, 2018
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A word that originally meant, well, thick is a really simple word and I can’t use any other words to describe it. But nowadays it means a girl that has a FAT ASS
Yo man do you see that thicc girl over there? I would slip my dick right into her 🅱️ig f🅰️t 🅱️uⓂ️h🅾️le
by ThiccDiccNicc July 5, 2018
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