4 definitions by TheRealShrimplyPepples

The last name guy who loves a hard dick, and will do anything to join the local nazi club.
Did you hear that Roug ate a dick so he could join the nazi club.
by TheRealShrimplyPepples November 27, 2017
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Fritter is a random guy who likes cheese.
Lars: "This Cheese is just freaking amazing".
Carl: "you are such a Fritter right now"
by TheRealShrimplyPepples January 8, 2018
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Sagne is a word you say instead of saying lasagna, because you dont have time to say lasagna. The word is mostly being used by frat boys.
Person A: Hey bro i could really eat a huge sagne right now.
Person B: Really bro, me too.
by TheRealShrimplyPepples November 29, 2017
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