13 definitions by TheOneandOnlyRealTT

A legion of fat people consisted of oils. The obese population in America. Also known as Oils Inc.
"Oils Incorporated is expanding in numbers."
by TheOneandOnlyRealTT May 12, 2006
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I so need to watch some bone movies.

Dude, I need to quit the bone movies.

No more bone movies mans.

David is gross when he does those bone movies.
by TheOneandOnlyRealTT February 17, 2006
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a fat person, usually lazy.
"Oils never does anything."

"Mans, Oils is lazy. He won't go on walks with me."

"Oils is a bore, and a waste of time."
by TheOneandOnlyRealTT May 12, 2006
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to freak someone out, or do some really weird shit. Named after the legendary WWF/WWE wrestler 'Goldust' aka Dustin Rhodes.
Man, I went all goldust on that bitch last night.
by TheOneandOnlyRealTT August 15, 2017
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A word used when someone does something unthinkable and quite stupid. Used frequently with people with not much common sense or just a lot of stupidity.
"Man, you won't believe what he did."
"What? What did he do?"
"He fuckin' smoked crack dude."
by TheOneandOnlyRealTT August 1, 2006
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An acronym for Tripping Balls on Peyote. Used when people boil down a cactus and drink the slime and 'trip' on the substance. Hence, Tripping Balls on Peyote.
'Hey man what are you doing tonight?'
'Think I'm gonna T.B.O.P'
by TheOneandOnlyRealTT August 8, 2006
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