10 definitions by TheDefinitioner54

A kid who gets really triggered easily playing video games and when he's wrong. (Probably triggered reading this) and has been Spiderman fo Halloween at least three times. Basically he is basic. But hey, at least he doesnt play fortnite.
Kid: Evan I believe that you answered the question wrong
Evan: no I didnt,

Also Evan: realizes mistake
Also Evan: Screw you
by TheDefinitioner54 October 25, 2019
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That person who is the mom of every friend group because she's taller and/or older then everyone else which means she has the responsibility to take care of the idiots in the group.
Person: *Jumps off cliff*
Olivia: *Flies like Superman and saves them*
by TheDefinitioner54 October 26, 2019
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A introvert. who sits inside and plays roblox, minecraft and the wii all day. She also writes fan fiction about her friends. She isnt a fan of human interaction and emotions.
Person: Hey Melissa, your my best friend, I love you!
Melissa: Meh
by TheDefinitioner54 October 25, 2019
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