24 definitions by TheBurninator


A small, leafy shrub found in grassy areas.
by TheBurninator December 12, 2003
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Something.com is the most pointless website ever.
Just go there and see for yourself.
by TheBurninator December 11, 2003
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Right when you thought they couldn't possibly screw up more, they surpise you.
by TheBurninator January 7, 2004
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Soul Caliber II

Amazing fighting game with great graphics, solid storyline (most people are just too lazy to pay attention to it), and kickass characters with kickass moves.
I just bought Soul Calibur II and I can't stop playing it!
by TheBurninator December 14, 2003
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Sound o vision

The all new TV-style thing on HR 1936. Featuring both sound and vision!
Parsnips a Plenty: Featured in glorious Sound O Vision
by TheBurninator November 16, 2003
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The home of all the cheap crap you'll ever need!
If Wal-Mart keeps lowering their prices every day, how come nothing is free yet?
by TheBurninator November 18, 2003
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