17 definitions by The Penguin Incarnate

Larry Elder's AM radio friendly euphamism for "the shit hit the fan."
When Ross Perot said "You people," when speaking to a primarily black audience, the fit hit the shan.
by The Penguin Incarnate October 5, 2003
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v. To cock slap someone, typically in the face, also see jallop.
After beating Joe in Warcraft III, Tommy jaloped him right in the face.
by The Penguin Incarnate October 26, 2003
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n. An incomprehensibly skanky night walker, is to a hooker what a superhero is to a human (but with more VD's).
Linda is a powerwhore, she blew ten guys. At once.

Guy: You're a powerwhore.
Dude: What's your reasoning behind that?
by The Penguin Incarnate October 28, 2003
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