7 definitions by The D-Man

A gadget or machine that may seem cool when it first comes out, but ends up sucking so hard that you feel ashamed to even invest a friggin' penny on this piece of shit.
I got a whopping $3 for my gizmondo on Ebay.
by The D-Man November 24, 2006
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A freaky, hideous-looking piece of shit that looks like a spider and drives like a snail. The newer Sables have been re-designed to look like something your 15-year-old son bought with spare change he found under your sofa.
The station wagon version of the Mercury Sable is truly the nail in the coffin.
by The D-Man December 9, 2006
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Something that is an over-rated, over-hyped piece of talent-less garbage, mostly dripping with praise from a newly-born cult of foaming-at-the-mouth fanboys. The excitement generated by these idiots then starts to spread. Casual, sensible people then decide to give the eragon a try. Of course, reviews and hype from the eragon greatly influence their minds. While at first they don't like the eragon that much, as they continue reading/watching/playing it, all the positive things they've heard about it form a foggy layer in their mind, clouding their judgement. As the hype for the eregon continues to grow throughout the months, their enthusiasm grows to. Before they know it, they've become fanboys too! This is known as the eragon effect.
Eragons often plagerize off other, better, things.
by The D-Man December 1, 2006
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v. To make an item too expensive by loading it with unnecessary features.
1. That six-blade, 10 setting, nuclear-powered, laser-guided, solid gold razor is too ps3ed for me to waste my money buying.

2. "Hey, Joe, I just fit my Mitsubishi with 12 plasma screens! Now isn't that pimpin'?"

"No, it's just plain ps3ed."
by The D-Man November 25, 2006
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That damn stupid 10-pound hunk of grey plastic that the xbox 360 power cord has to connect to...why can't Microsoft use normal elctrical cords like everyone else?!
I tore an arm ligament trying to lift the xbrick 360.
by The D-Man December 9, 2006
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To make a complete mockery out of your presentation.

It can be spelled with any amount of i's.
(Riiiidge racer; riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge racer; riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge racer)
I wrote my book report a day before it was do, resulting in a very ridge racered essay.
by The D-Man November 26, 2006
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A respected console with great games and a low price that makes it attract more people than just rabid fanboys. It clearly understands that the main purpose of game consoles is to actually play games, instead of sucking cash out of people's wallets with fancy-ass, Ferrari-priced video players and snail-paced web browsers. Of course, if you want the 360 to be an all-purpose media center, you can buy some optional accessories to give it that ability. Basically, with the 360, you get a great gaming/media experience, and you don't need a 7-digit salary to do so.
Nearly all of the good games on the ps3 can be found on the xbox 360.
by The D-Man November 25, 2006
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