3 definitions by The Mr Muppet

An absolute fucking incompetent moron who uses words she doesn't fully understand because apparently she is in belief that she made up the word... in reality its stuff like mulking.
"Hey is that Hunnicutt?" "yeah how could you tell?" "she's dipping her balls into soup because she's upset that she was reminded of how much of a piss-ant cringe lord she was two years ago." "what the absolute fuck?!" "yeah she said she was going to go mulk, and when I asked her if she meant sulk, she corrected me."
by The Mr Muppet June 11, 2022
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Snewx is a person who is very annoying. He is the kind of person who is only alive because he wants to haunt you after he dies, like he will constantly turn on and off lights randomly. he also has an oddly deep voice like he is on roids or something. He thinks he is tall but compared to any old muppet he is really short. He has no genitals so his manly hood is often taken into question, this man is not attractive at all and once tried to drink bleach.
Man I really don't want to bang Snewx he seems lame. The only way Snewx could get laid is if he got a pig really drunk.
by The Mr Muppet November 13, 2020
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says UAV light or EU light when he means UV light which is extremely confusing.
"Whats that type of light?" "uhhhhh UAV" "bruhhh why did you ask Nifteepenguin"
by The Mr Muppet November 13, 2020
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