5 definitions by The Mils Edition

A question asked to a person who has just done the most stupid thing disregarding all forms of common sense and you just can't fucking believe it.
Dude! Tell me you did not just bring that weed to work. Are you fucking stupid?!
by The Mils Edition August 12, 2016
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TheMilsEdition's snapchat is always lit asf.
by The Mils Edition August 12, 2016
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The total disbelief of the current situation, news or information.
Bill: "Peter, you sent over those TPS reports without the cover letter again. I need you to see me in my office."
Peter: "You gotta be shitting me!"
by The Mils Edition August 12, 2016
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Ebonics. Slang way of saying I don't know when you are completely clueless without any idea of what to say.
If you goin 80 miles and hour, how long would it take you to go 80 miles?

Bruh. Ion even know.
by The Mils Edition September 14, 2016
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A feeling of ultimate desire towards an individual named Emilio whom you wish you could be or be with.
Remember when Will Farrel was like EMILIOOOOOOOOOO in the Night at the Roxbury Movie?

Haha. Yea man. He totally had Emiliosis.
by The Mils Edition September 14, 2016
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