10 definitions by The Macbroker

The case of where you have something really great that you want to search because it could mean a huge impact on something, or do something big, e.g. change the world, make a new internet meme, etc. but as soon as you try to, you instantly blank-out, and forget. This is really annoying.
I had such a bad case of Internet Forgotten that between the home page and the search page, I forgot what I was going to search for.
by The Macbroker August 20, 2011
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by The Macbroker August 13, 2022
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A cringy term used by otakus and weaboos which combines the terms 'yamate kudasai' and 'stop'. It's another japanese english combo that weebs like to use, but is incredibly cringy in reality, making them look like they live at home watching anime and humping their body pillow.
Guy 1: You should yamete kudastop
Guy 2: You should yamate get some bitches
by The Macbroker July 22, 2022
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