9 definitions by The Fucker 69

A cult of fishermen who lick there fish as soon as they come out of the water
The fish-licker stood ready to suck on the fish he just caught.
by The Fucker 69 October 10, 2016
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A lad who beats his girl and claims he is the alpha male.
"Fucking hell lads, there's a bloody dominant male over there."
by The Fucker 69 October 10, 2016
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A male who thinks they're the shit and they are a player
Asscheek the player fingered himself
by The Fucker 69 October 13, 2016
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A plan where the government try's to jail people who haven't had a shower for a week.
"thank god the skunk project failed, my mate Jim's shower bust ages ago."
by The Fucker 69 October 10, 2016
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People with this last name will shag your nan
He's a bloody Taylor he will shag ya nan
by The Fucker 69 October 13, 2016
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