4 definitions by The Artful Codger

A vegetarian. Invariably pale, thin and female.
"Jesus, have you seen Nichola? She looks ill."
"Don't worry, she's not ill, she's a veggie."
by The Artful Codger May 11, 2004
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A trained monkey that acts as your servant, catering for all your needs. Also Simian servant
"Would you like a can of Stella? The monkey butler will get it. Oi, monkey..."
by The Artful Codger May 18, 2004
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A monkey butler. Similar to the monkeys in the PG Tips adverts, but in a waistcoat, carrying a silver platter.
by The Artful Codger May 18, 2004
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Slang word for cunt, the british vulgar slang term for the female genitalia. Derived from BBC farming programme Country File.
It's true form should be Tree file.
"For Christ's sake, stop being a file will you, that wasn't even funny last week."
"Harp, you're such a tree file."
by The Artful Codger May 11, 2004
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