14 definitions by ThatFemaleAroace


someone who discriminates dreamsexual people and/or dreamromantic people (not to be confused with the invalid orientations)
someone who is scared or has a hatred toward dreams
a person whose father did not leave them and is sane and doesn’t use made up sexualities, romantic orientations, and genders
Definition 3:
Dream Stan: Stop being a dreamphobe!
Sane Person with father: but I am proud to be a dreamphobe and not use fake orientations and genders
by ThatFemaleAroace September 5, 2022
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an identity meaning someone who is aromantic and asexual, or anywhere on either/both spectrum
someone who is aroace
Person 1: I am aroace
Person 2: yesss 🧡💛🤍💙💜
by ThatFemaleAroace September 9, 2022
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Definition 1:
a gender that is different when someone is asleep

Definition 2:
a xenogender that has a different gender concept when asleep
Definition 3:
a fake invalid gender made by Dream stans, meaning they “identify as Dream”
Definition 4:
a person who is dreamgender
Defintion 5:
a disgraceful Dream stan who claims they identify as dreamgender
In this case we will use definition 3
Dream stan: I’m coming out!
Normal human: oh cool what is your gender/orientation
Dream stan: I am dreamgender, meaning I identify as dream
Normal human: ewww no go touch grass
Dream stan: hey u stupid dreamphobe
Normal human: you need a brain check
by ThatFemaleAroace September 5, 2022
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1. pangender
2. someone who experiences all gender identities besides genders like neurogenders with a preference
3. unisex
4. something that is unisex

5. a person who identifies as omnigender (def 1 or 2)
I am omnigender and you can use any pronouns.
by ThatFemaleAroace September 21, 2022
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Person 1: I am coming out as transfem.
Person 2: i support u lol
by ThatFemaleAroace September 5, 2022
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an identity in the genderfaer umbrella where a person only experiences only non-masculine aligned or miaspec genders and tend not to feel mingenders unless they are woman-aligned
someone who identifies as genderfae
Definition 1:
Person 1: I have realized that I am genderfae.
Person 2: What does that mean?
Person 1: It means that I am genderfaer and I only experience mingenders that are woman aligned or non-masculinity/miaspec.
Person 2: Ok cool, but what are mingenders?
Person 1: All masculine genders.
Person 2: oooh
Definition 2:
Person 1: I have realized I am genderfae.
Person 2: Oh ok 💚💛🤍💗💜
by ThatFemaleAroace September 5, 2022
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a fatherless individual that thinks dreamgender is their gender identity as in identifying as Dream, dreamsexual is their sexual orientation as in the attraction to Dream, and dreamromantic is their romantic orientation as in the attraction to Dream, who regularly dreams of having their father back after the parent left when they were 2 months old up to 8 months old since they realized their children was hopeless
Dream Stan: i am a proud dreamgender dreamsexual and dreamromantic
Normal Person: no you’re not you’re a fatherless individual who uses made up orientations and genders
by ThatFemaleAroace September 5, 2022
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