you feel all over the gender spectrum besides masc
I think i may be genderfae.
by Afuckinglesbian April 12, 2021
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A subset of genderfluid that never includes male aligned genders. Genderfaer individuals can be fluid between any range of genders, such as woman, woman-aligned genders, feminine-aligned genders, non-binary genders, unaligned genders, and xenogenders.
Persona A: I think I'm genderfluid but I never really want to be a male ever.

Person B: Then you might be genderfaer.
by revyfan420 July 11, 2022
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Its somewhat in between genderfae and genderfluid where ones gender can fluctuate all through the spectrum of genders but never fully a man (They can fluctuate to demi-boy)

Remember pronouns or sex don't define gender :)
Jackie: hey alex what are your pronouns today?
Alex: Hi, they're actually he/they
Jackie: oh but i thought you were genderfae?
Alex: yea i thought so too but this morning i relized i fluctuated to demi-boy
Jackie: oh thats awesome, do you have a specific label now or are you unlabeled?
Alex: yea im genderfaer
by Faggotbitchnigga April 26, 2021
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an identity in the genderfaer umbrella where a person only experiences only non-masculine aligned or miaspec genders and tend not to feel mingenders unless they are woman-aligned
someone who identifies as genderfae
Definition 1:
Person 1: I have realized that I am genderfae.
Person 2: What does that mean?
Person 1: It means that I am genderfaer and I only experience mingenders that are woman aligned or non-masculinity/miaspec.
Person 2: Ok cool, but what are mingenders?
Person 1: All masculine genders.
Person 2: oooh
Definition 2:
Person 1: I have realized I am genderfae.
Person 2: Oh ok 💚💛🤍💗💜
by ThatFemaleAroace September 5, 2022
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