4 definitions by Terra Risona

Pleasure through oral or anal sex. Used in the song "Prison Sex" by Tool, hence why you probably looked it up.
"Release in sodomy! For the one sweet moment I am WHOOOOOOOLE!!!"
by Terra Risona May 29, 2016
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A way of getting high. Referenced in the song "Kickapoo" by Tenacious D.
by Terra Risona August 16, 2016
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Arin Hanson is an animator/ gamer and is a part of a YouTube channel called Game Grumps, co-starring with Danny Avidan and formerly Jon Jafari.
"Wow, Arin Hanson is such a boopin' ass guy!"

"Maybe, but Pewdiepie is cooler."

"You are officially dead to me."
by Terra Risona September 8, 2015
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Punkcentrism is the act of upholding the belief that punk is the best and/or only "true" alternative subculture. Usually involves rewriting the actions of other alt figures to be punk in retrospect and discrediting the impact and values of other subcultures.
"Whoa, you support local business and care about animal rights? That's SO punk. The hippies could never do that."

"Actually, I am a hippie. Punkcentrism isn't cool man"
by Terra Risona June 25, 2023
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