7 definitions by Te-Bud
Decides But Can't Execute
Acronym for people who want something to happen but can't actually do it themselves. Making them reliant on a dwindling group of actual producers. Who are usually taken for granted...until they leave.
Acronym for people who want something to happen but can't actually do it themselves. Making them reliant on a dwindling group of actual producers. Who are usually taken for granted...until they leave.
"Helm, lay in a course for Earth."
"Do it yourself."
"I don't know how."
"Then apparently you need me more than I need you. DBCE."
"Do it yourself."
"I don't know how."
"Then apparently you need me more than I need you. DBCE."
by Te-Bud April 26, 2011
Not Even Worth Further Effort.
A descriptive tag, primarily for HR and training use, to describe those individuals who are too lazy, incompetent, or stupid to warrant further effort in retaining their services.
A descriptive tag, primarily for HR and training use, to describe those individuals who are too lazy, incompetent, or stupid to warrant further effort in retaining their services.
by Te-Bud March 12, 2009
Main Entry: es·ki·late
Pronunciation: \ˈes-kə-ˌlāt, ÷-kyə-\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): es·ki·lat·ed; es·ki·lat·ing
Etymology: back-formation from Mr. and Mrs. Trollhagen
Date: 2009
intransitive verb
: to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope regarding robotic software or Touchscreen applications
transitive verb
: expand 2
— es·ki·la·tion \ˌes-kə-ˈlā-shən, ÷-kyə-\ noun — es·ki·la·to·ry \ˈes-kə-lə-ˌtȯr-ē, ÷-kyə-\ adjective
Pronunciation: \ˈes-kə-ˌlāt, ÷-kyə-\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): es·ki·lat·ed; es·ki·lat·ing
Etymology: back-formation from Mr. and Mrs. Trollhagen
Date: 2009
intransitive verb
: to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope regarding robotic software or Touchscreen applications
transitive verb
: expand 2
— es·ki·la·tion \ˌes-kə-ˈlā-shən, ÷-kyə-\ noun — es·ki·la·to·ry \ˈes-kə-lə-ˌtȯr-ē, ÷-kyə-\ adjective
by Te-Bud March 12, 2009
by Te-Bud July 11, 2008
(verb) to grabasstically throw together a pile of unrelated items in the vain hope that they will self-assemble into a working unit.
"Damn, he just WangHammed that Frankenbot together by banging his head on the config screen until something printed out..."
by Te-Bud June 18, 2008
(verb) to grabasstically throw together a pile of unrelated items in the vain hope that they will self-assemble into a working unit.
"Damn, he just WangHammed that Frankenbot together by banging his head on the config screen until something printed out..."
by Te-Bud June 18, 2008