140 definitions by Taylor

a person who is so shitty that the shitties piece of shit from the shitties metropolis(city)is not as shitty as them
dude.......kris your such trash metropolis i rather hang out with that cocaine addicted alcoholic bum over there
by Taylor October 17, 2006
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1. a mix of the words collapse and crumble
2. the point in which everything goes to hell
When everything collumbles, you're fucked.
by Taylor November 13, 2004
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The act of being immature

the term became popular on the evening of 4/19/04

the term originates from one emily O.
that bitch was filled with immatureness
by Taylor April 20, 2004
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when the vaginal lips of a woman resemble that of a platypus bill
whoa man did you see the vagiplatypus on her!
by Taylor April 18, 2007
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the most awesomest weirdo. Loves to use the danish word ya elshgidie. I could possibly see a stine burrowing in the mud. Also has a crazy laugh kinda like tehehe. Very ticklish
If i was cool i would hang out with a stine.
by Taylor January 25, 2005
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v. to look at somebody and desire them, to feel chemistry between oneself and another person and wish to act upon it
Yesterday I met this girl who I couldn't help but finagle.
by Taylor January 5, 2005
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The act, and or state of being a spinster
The old lady was not enjoying her spinsterdom
by Taylor April 16, 2005
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