5 definitions by TMISv2.0
a state of intoxication bordering on total sensory ruin, usually involving waking up somewhere wondering what the fuck you did the night before.
I was so n'cheekd last night I woke up in the lion enclosure at the zoo. I have no clue how I got there
by TMISv2.0 February 9, 2005
When something is a load of old bollocks.
by TMISv2.0 July 21, 2017
The flatmate's bathroom where one is wont to lay a hefty steaming log when getting caught short in female company and not wanting her to hear the inevitable thunder and splashdown.
I want to do a poo, I want to do a poo in Paul's bathroom.
Sorry love, I'm gonna have to go to Paul's bathroom for this one as it's gonna stink.
Sorry love, I'm gonna have to go to Paul's bathroom for this one as it's gonna stink.
by TMISv2.0 July 27, 2009
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I was well rankord last night
by TMISv2.0 February 10, 2005