4 definitions by TMGuy


The action of taking a "lap" around the office to avoid the inevitable afternoon drowsiness. Usually involves stopping by the water cooler, copier, and various coworker offices or cubicles.

Laptime has a greater occurrence for those that stay up late, were partying last night, or those who ditched work in the morning to ski fresh powder.

Used by those that know the falling asleep on the keyboard can be hazardous to one's health due to short circuiting, and also to one's employment should the boss happen to saunter by.
Ricky: That's the third time Bobby has stopped by my office this afternoon.

Cal: Its laptime for him, again... He must have been out all night!!!
by TMGuy December 31, 2010
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When a woman outperforms a man in a physical activity, such as biking, hiking, or skiing, where normally a man should outperform the woman.
"Wow, she sure finished the trail way before me"

"Dude, you got chicked!"
by TMGuy October 17, 2008
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Opposite of multitasker, a singletasker is one who only takes upon one task at a time, and follows it through to completion. Often used sardonically when someone is bragging about their supreme multitasking skills.
Bobby: "Today I'm only going to focus on finishing my TPS reports and not to answer the phone, email, text, IM, staple, and make breakfast simultaneously."

Jeffy: "You are such the singletasker!"

Bobby: "I can't even respond to you at this time, because then I'd be multitasking."
by TMGuy November 18, 2009
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Another name for a Tesla vehicle. Since fearless leader can do no wrong.
Hey, nice ElectroHitler. Never thought you were going to support a fascist, but here we are...
by TMGuy February 5, 2025
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