1168 definitions by THe Return of Light Joker

the perineum, especially the male perineum
I tried to shave my grundle but I just ended up making it itch.
by THe Return of Light Joker November 19, 2011
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a a heavy or fat woman (from a term referring to cow that has not given birth)
Some heifer came in and started talking shit about the project.
by THe Return of Light Joker September 10, 2008
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a very strong and/or menacing entity or issue that is obvious but not dealt with
Abuse suffered in prison is an 800-pound gorilla that is undermining justice.
by THe Return of Light Joker April 14, 2009
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an event so dramatic or troubling that it effectively serves as an alert, reminder or call to action
The failure of the ongoing efforts to produce effective solutions should have been a wake up call to stop arguing.
by THe Return of Light Joker September 7, 2009
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when a woman leaves the work force to take time to raise her children.
She was on the mommy track because she did not want to leave her baby with someone while she worked.
by THe Return of Light Joker March 12, 2009
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to behave recklessly, irresponsibly, or deceitfully toward someone or something, such as acting in a manner that contradicts conventions or guidelines
Wow! He sure does play fast and loose with money.
by THe Return of Light Joker November 16, 2009
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1. someone who spoils Christmas

2. a stingy person, a miser
He was a scrooge but he never understood what christmas was about anyway.
by THe Return of Light Joker December 23, 2009
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