4 definitions by THXXX1337

A person with a forehead that sticks out making them look like they're the missing link.
That dude's got a neanderskull for a face!
by THXXX1337 May 26, 2014
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A list of sexual acts or achievments someone wishes to fulfill before they die.
I got a blow job behind the bar last night; crossing that off my slucket list!
by THXXX1337 May 23, 2014
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When you eat lobster, fish, or any seafood. Then next day or a couple hours later you'll get some really fishy shits.
I went to Red Lobster last night, and now I got the fishits
by THXXX1337 March 23, 2014
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A remake of a movie starring a female cast as a lead that was originally filmed with a male lead.
If the next Ghostbusters is a hit, it will pave the way for more shemakes
by THXXX1337 July 10, 2015
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