14 definitions by THEtruth

A scale used to describe how beautiful someone is. it starts at the lowest with ugly, then progress up with pretty, cute, beautiful, should be illegal to be this beautiful, indescribable, and then ends with the top rating of camryn. this top rating refers to the name of the most beautiful girl the creator of this system has ever seen.
"hey bro, what would you rate that girl?"
"using the beauty scale, pretty"
"damn bro! thats pretty low"
by THEtruth April 29, 2012
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The ability to know that you exist, and to be able to think apart from your primal instincts with logic.
by THEtruth May 22, 2003
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Pulling a bitch move on another man out of jealousy.
Barry went completely fucking trinity-shc on LeeMan.
by THEtruth October 24, 2004
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To Boy George is to cry like a lil bitch. "Do you really want to hurt me... Do you really want to make me cry?"
Are you about to Boy George on me?
Don't be a Boy George?
by THEtruth April 8, 2005
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complete twat, had ruined britain with his twisted form of dictatorship.
naff off tony blair, lets get maggy back to guide our country back in the right direction!
by THEtruth July 22, 2004
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there are...
wierd ppl
a few gay... but still cool
ass holes
and then... their's b-griff... yes thats right... most of you all know him as "the kid who runs everywhere" he's the coolest out of all of em
*whooosh* "holy shit there goes that kid who runs everywhere"
by THEtruth April 11, 2005
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