49 definitions by THESAYCOMPTER3

A video game modder of the racing game Need For Speed, who is supposedly a British female teenage girl in real life, who spends her time guilt-tripping everyone she sees for no apparent reason. She has even went far enough to brainwash everyone in the community for the game into believing in her lies.
Guy #1: Have you seen Speedyheart's new video?
Guy #2: No and I don't want to.
Guy #1: Why not? She's AMAAZZZIIINNNGG!!!!!
Guy #2: No, speedyheart is just trying to make you think that.
by THESAYCOMPTER3 July 12, 2020
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A wiki that documents most internet screamers.
There's a new jumpscare? Put it on the Screamer Wiki!
by THESAYCOMPTER3 April 8, 2021
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A video on YouTube of a boy crying and then the king into a demon afterwards. Perceived as one of the scariest YouTube videos ever made.
If you value your sanity, stay away from that I'm So Sorry Please Forgive Me.mp4 video.
by THESAYCOMPTER3 April 8, 2021
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A creepy ass YouTube video of someone turning into a demon while crying on a bed.
I'm So Sorry Please Forgive Me.mp4 Is the epitome of the destruction of your mind.
by THESAYCOMPTER3 April 8, 2021
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A hashtag in order to help boys express themselves more.
Men and Boys should express themselves more. So #femboysmatter
by THESAYCOMPTER3 September 7, 2020
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A hashtag in created in order to help boys and men be themselves.
Guy 1: I want to this dress. But I'm afraid everyone will laugh at me.
Guy 2: Don't worry, #femboysmatter.
by THESAYCOMPTER3 September 7, 2020
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Femboys have the same rights that women and girls do.
We need to help boys and men be themselves. #femboysmatter
by THESAYCOMPTER3 September 7, 2020
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