4 definitions by SukMehBigPeen
A waste of fukin time where all you do is learn the same thing every year, also wasting precious gaming time!
Jackson: are you ready for school tomorrow?
Talen: no are you gay?! We learn the same things every year
Talen: no are you gay?! We learn the same things every year
by SukMehBigPeen April 11, 2019
by SukMehBigPeen April 29, 2019
We all know that all girls build up anger, so god decided that once a month it needs to be emptied by something, so he chose a period, but be careful cause they can be viscous while pangry.
Friend 1: yo, what’s wrong with ur gf?
Friend 2: she’s just pangry rn
Friend 1&2: I think we should leave before anything bad happens
Friend 2: she’s just pangry rn
Friend 1&2: I think we should leave before anything bad happens
by SukMehBigPeen July 1, 2020
A Tall girl that you. Should love for your life, she has an amazing personality and she can’t be better
by SukMehBigPeen November 17, 2019