5 definitions by Subway142

Short for Unofficial St. Patrick's Day, this is an event held each March at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This is the largest local drinking holiday in the United States. It was created due to St. Patrick's Day being held over U of I's spring break. Students from across the country visit Champaign-Urbana to take part in this, as their schools do not consume as much in an entire decade as U of I does on Unofficial.
"Dude, don't you love going to IU?" - Indiana Student 1

"No, I am going to U of I this weekend to celebrate Unofficial. I wish I had gotten good enough grades to get in there." - Indiana Student 2

"Yeah, you're right. They are better at academics, athletics, AND they have way more fun." - Indiana Student 1
by Subway142 February 10, 2013
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A nickname for the Great Lakes region of the United States when discussing politics. Although liberalism is often thought to be limited to the coasts, the citizens of the Great Lakes region ignore expectation and often vote Democrat. These liberals are often very supportive of unions and gun control, as they are major issues in the area. This area is also ahead of the curve on social issues, with several of the states already having legalized gay marriage and marijuana (medical or decriminalization). Member states of the Great Liberals are Illinois (capital), Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and Iowa (adopted from the Plains). This region is home to President Barack Obama.
CNN Correspondent 1: "Of course the Democrat vote will be limited to the coasts as always."
CNN Correspondent 2: "You're forgetting the Great Liberals, which could make all the difference!"
by Subway142 May 25, 2013
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A nickname for Miller Park, home of the Milwaukee Brewers baseball club. The stadium developed this nickname over the years due to the high-concentration of Cubs fans at Cubs-Brewers games in Milwaukee. It has been observed that, at times, Cubs fans have outnumbered Brewers fans 2 to 1. This nickname prompted an unsuccessful campaign by Milwaukee Sports Radio 1250 called "Take Back Miller Park." Despite this and other efforts to get Brewers fans out to the games, Miller Park remains Cubs territory when Chicago's National League club is in town.
Brewers fan: "Hey, want to go to Miller Park to watch the Brewers-Cubs game?"

Cubs fan: "Oh, you mean Wrigley Field North? I would love to be among fellow Cubs fans!"
by Subway142 January 23, 2013
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Known as "sneakers" on the East Coast and "tennis shoes" in the south and western United States, gym shoes are used for exercising and oftentimes are worn in normal, informal settings. The term "gym shoes" is limited mostly to Chicago and the immediate area, even though it is the correct term and the rest of the country is incorrect.
Person 1: "I have my sneakers!"
Person 2: "We aren't from New York. They're called GYM SHOES."
by Subway142 January 24, 2013
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This is a nickname for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Not to be confused with the University of Iowa ("UI" or simply "Iowa") or Indiana University ("IU"). This phrase carries with it a certain image/feel, as the University has built up a notable culture over its' century and one half existence and the phrase "U of I" quite possibly is the best label for that culture. The culture includes a passion for basketball, drinking holiday Unofficial, superb academics, and or course, a lot of orange.
College counselor: "Are you looking at U of I for college, Jimmy?"
Jimmy: "Of course I am! Its' culture is unbeatable."
by Subway142 March 3, 2013
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