10 definitions by Strikegold

Somebody who spends money on unnecessary things, acts in a very unnecessary way, does unnecessary things, or let’s the boys down.
Hey mat, I just spent 30 bucks on micro-transactions, stole a bunch of kills, left the match cause I was afraid to lose, and I let the boys down really bad. I think I might be a major Snurb.
by Strikegold August 29, 2021
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A female multi dimensional creature, that has the ability to jump pocket realities at will, and can use its 5th dimensional nose along with its clairvoyant mind abilities to detect and track anything across all realms of existence. It uses all these abilities and talents to relentlessly find and pursue booty for all eternity. A booty hoe is also someone who likes booty.
Oh my god Mat, I was finally tracked down by the godlike immortal being known as the Booty Hoe! She could sense my enormous booty, and hunted my like a rabid dog for years! Also I’m a bit of a booty hoe since I’m a fan of the booty, just sayin
by Strikegold June 26, 2021
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After vomit ferments in one’s asshole, it leaves a layer of Skunge on the roof of the anus. It looks like moss, but has the texture of rotten sludge.
Omg Matt I have so much Skunge right now!
by Strikegold April 15, 2022
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