15 definitions by Stiffy

The word that if you get Bubs to say, he'll loose his super power(being able to fly).
This shouldn't be too hard. I mean, I'm sayin' "sbu" all the time; this'll be a cakewalk! Or at least a sbu-walk
by Stiffy May 2, 2004
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The most boring day of the week; or at least until all of the piza places made a special on that day!
Tuesdays just don't feel so...Tuesdayish anymore.
by Stiffy May 2, 2004
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Kevin Grumbles's specialty.
I'll give you half a grumblecake if you say something intelligient.
What's that?
You know, a little cake, with some steam and sugar...
by Stiffy March 4, 2004
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A stick person who digs for pudding. Once had an encounter with Stinkoman.
Hey Stickley Man. WHAAAAAAAAAAT are you doing?
by Stiffy April 24, 2004
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Strong Bad's how-to-draw-a-dragon dragon. Its body is S-shaped and it has one muscular arm sticking out of its back. He burns and stomps all the peasents in the night.
And then the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHTTTT!
by Stiffy February 14, 2004
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It's dot com.
Oh, right. Homestarrunner.Net. IT'S DOT COM!
by Stiffy March 6, 2004
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A talking wheelchair who's after Eh Steve and is voiced by Bubs.
I'm gonna get you Eh Steve if it's the last thing I dooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
by Stiffy May 2, 2004
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