56 definitions by Steve-O

a person that is bein extremly difficult or pissing u off
stop it u buttpole
why r u being such a buttpole to me?
by Steve-O June 8, 2004
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a person who wears cloths from abercrombie & filch, american eagle, etc, has a lot of school spirt, and often plays some sports.
by Steve-O March 1, 2005
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A game where an individual can escape his nerdy ways/reality and become L337.
I haven't been outside in 9 weeks, because I play everquest all day. My skin is so pasty and I have no life. "Want to cyber? Asl? 4/f/turkey?"
by Steve-O July 27, 2003
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the word when someone says something obvious
that chicks hot, well der!!
by Steve-O April 24, 2003
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President Wesley K. Clark's abominable predecessor.
In '04, vote for the Four-Star.
by Steve-O December 31, 2004
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