5 definitions by Sr.Ridiculously winning

When you fuck a girl so hard that when she goes to walk her legs give out like a baby calf
I calfed that girl so hard last night she fell down when she go up to walk to the bathroom.
by Sr.Ridiculously winning June 16, 2020
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A wordologist is someone that makes up new words, such as lolgasm, twerknugget, and fapman. Wordologist are often witty people creating new words to fit their needs
"Look at the twerknugget fapman, he makes me lolgasm"
"None of those are real words Zander"
"Thats ok I'm a professional wordologist"
by Sr.Ridiculously winning October 10, 2013
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A fapman is a guy who vigorously, and frequently faps. Their dick is usually sore from excessive fapping and as a result their dick doesn't fit well with ladies. A fapman will also enjoy beastiality with passing livestock, such as pigs, if he sees one while driving when they become tired of fapping
"That guy is such a fapman"
"yeah you see that dead pig, bet you he raped it"
"yeah bet you he killed it because he didn't want it to squeal"
by Sr.Ridiculously winning October 10, 2013
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A fapshot is when you see a super hot girl and take a mental photograph of it to think of later while your faping
"Damn look at that chick over there, thats faptastic"
"O shit, better take a fapshot"
by Sr.Ridiculously winning October 10, 2013
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Swagerday, is a term for referring to Saturday. Swagerday is a day to celebrate your swag and show it off, while accumulating even more swag, to become the most swagtastic mother fuckers out there!
"what you doing this swagerday"
"you know getting my swag on, going to hit the thrift shop and some other place and pick up some more swaggerific attire"
"sounds pretty swagg, be careful you don't drown in that much swaggoo"
by Sr.Ridiculously winning October 10, 2013
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