3 definitions by Spongebob Shit Pants
As the severity of an internet conspiracy theory increases, the quality of its video evidence inversely decreases. This is often accompanied by dramatic music, excessive text, or unrelated imagery, meant to amplify the theory's perceived threat.
After spending hours trawling through a sea of UFO sightings online, John began to notice a trend, humorously coining it as the 'Conspiracy Clarity Paradox'. The more outrageous the alien encounter claims became, the poorer and more dramatic the accompanying video footage seemed to be.
by Spongebob Shit Pants July 6, 2023
by Spongebob Shit Pants May 12, 2020
Me: Frank, why are you here?
Frank: I was invited
Me: So why are you here? Are you room meat?
Me: Are you planning on contributing?
Frank: .... moooo
Me: cunt
Frank: I was invited
Me: So why are you here? Are you room meat?
Me: Are you planning on contributing?
Frank: .... moooo
Me: cunt
by Spongebob Shit Pants May 11, 2020