6 definitions by SomeDude2022

It means goodbye in earthy folk speech, it's a old style common word for the common working man/woman
Thanks for the goodies and stuff, fare thee well my friend!
by SomeDude2022 February 15, 2022
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"It's mine not yours", it's an old english way of saying don't touch it, it's mine not yours
by SomeDude2022 February 15, 2022
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It means 'hello, how are you?' in a old earthy folk way with thou thee thys
How fare thee my friend? Keeping up the good fight? Staying healthy?
by SomeDude2022 February 15, 2022
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It means "rules for you but not for me", it means you have to follow the rules but not me
Trump: Rules for thee but not for me, you gotta release your tax returns but I don't have to do it because.... reasons.... bullshit... excuses....

It should be "rules for thee and rules for me, rules for all of us!" We must all follow the rules.
by SomeDude2022 February 20, 2022
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"for me not for you", it's an old english Shakespearian way of saying "it's for me not for thee (you)"
by SomeDude2022 February 15, 2022
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It just means I and you, it rhymes and just builds closeness with 'thy' friend that you're with
Hey man, me and thee gotta still together, united we stand, divided we fall!
by SomeDude2022 May 2, 2022
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