26 definitions by Some1 @ the internet

It’s a universe where earth code named Earth-199999 has a country called sokovia
Breaking news, the avengers fucked up sokovia in the mcu
by Some1 @ the internet July 17, 2021
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The best fucking year in the fucking world
2020 is the best fucking year since cringe should not exist in this decade.
by Some1 @ the internet February 6, 2020
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an American school which also exists in Qatar
its weird that debakey (an American school) exist in a middle eastern country
by Some1 @ the internet May 16, 2022
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something you cant do in urban dictionary for some reason
Mike: Can you changing your email in urban dictionary?
me: idk ask urban dictionary
Urban dictionary: no
by Some1 @ the internet March 13, 2021
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A real country in earth-199999 that was destroyed by the avengers
Sokovia has been fucked up by the avengers because of some alien-robotic guy called Ultron
by Some1 @ the internet July 17, 2021
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