142 definitions by Soiled Undergarment

What people write on Urbandictionary when they don't know how to link to another UD word.
by Soiled Undergarment August 17, 2003
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A convention held in Nazareth County where various cheeses are eaten and discussed. Also known as CON.
"Dude, Go drink wine eat cheese."
"Dude, f*** off to CON."
by Soiled Undergarment August 7, 2003
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When real desperate people stick their appendages in the vacuum cleaner in an attempt to increase their length, however this exercise ends tragically.
"Dude, minidick tried giving himself a vacuum job, it was nasty."
"Dude, he had nothing to lose."
by Soiled Undergarment August 17, 2003
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When you're about to say Motherfucker, but you stop from a number of reasons, which include, but are not limited to:
- Politeness
- Shock
- Awe
- Passing out
- Death
by Soiled Undergarment August 17, 2003
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1) A place for illegal activity, porn, drugs, hacking and games. A place where anything goes. The Internet is just a bunch of computers and endless cable. Internet is ran by the phone company.

2) The inner lining of your swimsuit.
1) "Dude, let's get warez and porn and then do some h4x0ring." "Dude, you wanna go on Internet?"

2) "Dude, I just logged on to my internet!" "Dude, that is sick, mention it again and you get tempbanned."
by Soiled Undergarment August 11, 2003
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