4 definitions by Smerber

A person or ideological wing of the Republican party who believes that some laws should be reverted to their older forms ,circa 1955.
A person, group or philosophy that wants to return voting rights, civil rights, abortion, white supremacy, male domination to the way it was during the Eisenhower Administration around 1955.
Those darn retropublicans want to build up our nuclear arsenal even further.
by Smerber September 11, 2021
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A third person singular pronoun for a person with their gender not specified. NEither HE nor SHE.
Pronounced similar to niche (Knee EE SSH)
I think neheshe is pretending to be a girl today.
by Smerber September 11, 2021
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Noun or adjective

Pronounced (dough Nib Or)

A person who believes in the economic theory that the wealthy persons and corporations should rob from the poor and give that money to the rich.

Robin Hood spelled backward.

The opposite of the redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor.
Those Dooh Nibor corporations want to cut their corporate tax rate even more so they can make more profit and not pay their fair share to fund the government.
by Smerber September 11, 2021
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The movement and philosphy, first coined by Frank Herbert in the book DUNE, that believes that artificial intelligence should be banned.

"Man may not be replaced."

" Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind"

Movement opposed to artificial intelligence, similar to Neo-Luddites
These new imiation artificial intelligence programs like Siri should be eleminated by the new Butlerian Jihad.
by Smerber September 11, 2021
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