10 definitions by Shuveit

A fire station that can not crew worth shit. There could be 10 houses in fire and they would be in there 5th page. They can never get any guys to show up for calls. There truck stays so clean because the damn thing never leaves.
121 “ ‘this is your last and final page
by Shuveit June 29, 2020
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A Term used to describe when a person is short and angry
Person 1: gets mad because they can’t reach the top shelf because they are too short and get angry

Person 2: Somebody’s becoming a Salti
by Shuveit June 29, 2020
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237 is a fire station filled with complete assholes and are currently locally hated. Within there community. They often arrive on scene command hungry. And are very very short temmpared
273 are assholes
by Shuveit June 29, 2020
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