4 definitions by Shmunky

When someone, who is a powerlifter, Defecates. Often resulting in a clogged toilet due to the sheer amount of fecal matter they release due to constantly being in a state of caloric surplus.
Hey Bob, don't go in the washroom man. I think Jack just took one of his Massive Powerlifter Shits again and flooded the entire bathroom after attempting to flush.
by Shmunky June 21, 2023
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A term commonly used in the southern part of America. It is used when someone is describing a very cool firearm.
“Check out my new nasty blapper, I just picked it up this past weekend!”
by Shmunky November 26, 2022
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A phrase exclaimed when seeing a really nice rack. Quite the set of zoinkers. Very major melons. Some fat gahoogas.
Person 1: Hey, did you see Abigal Shapiro's milkers?
by Shmunky July 15, 2023
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A slang term derived from the word glicky, which is derived from the popular firearm brand Glock.

Popularized by youtuber Noob Dog.
Yo man, is that your new Glizwald?”

“Yea dude, it’s a .40! Let’s go shoot it
by Shmunky November 26, 2022
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