4 definitions by Shit bits

A fat, chubby or overweight person.
Can be used as a derogatory comment or as a term of endearment.
"Did you see that fat bitch at Nambour Hospital, making trouble for those two young kids? What a f'ing chomby."

"Aw bubby, you're such a chomby!"
by Shit bits December 5, 2004
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A sooky, sad little person who feels the need to whinge about a recent event.
"Did you see Nikki yesterday? She was being such a sooky La La."
by Shit bits December 5, 2004
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Meaning: poor
Origin: Kentwood, Louisiana
"Oh my gosh, we were so poo-er"
"oh my gosh, you said poo -er"
"Well, We were!"
by Shit bits December 5, 2004
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An area found on the east coast of Australia where thousands of skanks, bitches and shit face boys can be found in measly jobs and bumming off their parents. Basically a shithole.
"Where is the worst most boring place you have ever been?"
"The Sunshine Coast. What a piece of crap"
by Shit bits December 5, 2004
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