22 definitions by Shifty Eyed Goat

Origins stem from owned, ownage, ownt. The character 'o' is next to the character 'p' on the keyboard. It was formed when some anonymous original party accidentally hit the 'p' for the word "OWNED".

It has the exact same meaning as the verb to own. The two words and their derivatives can be used interchangeably.

1. When a player is severely beaten by another player or party of players, in a game.
2. An expletive about a situation where something painful, embarassing, or bad happens to someone in real life.

The main dispute with this word is its pronunciation. It is originally believed that the 'p' is an accident and therefore not pronounced. However, several pronunciations have become accepted: p'ownt, pwynt, pinnt, etc.
1. Gamer 1: I just killed your entire group and won the game.
Gamer 2: You pwnt us all...

2. Oh my God, did you see that guy get hit by that car? He was pwnt!
by Shifty Eyed Goat June 16, 2004
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To love someone as per the first sight as one sees a pup after it is just born and falls instantly in love.

Generally regarded as irresponsible and reserved for those inexperienced with relationships.
The two were hopelessly under the spell of puppy love and eloped.
by Shifty Eyed Goat June 18, 2003
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phrase. In My Fucking Opinion.

A slang derivative of IMO, usually used with anger.
Guy 1: Computer games are for fags.
Guy 2: You need to shut the fuck up, IMFO
by Shifty Eyed Goat July 15, 2004
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Causing something to violently splash against a surface.
My diarrhea caused my shit to splatter all along my leg.
by Shifty Eyed Goat June 18, 2003
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1. A demented acid induced trip where you assume the role of a flying spider monkey who flings his own shit everywhere in an orgasmic, psychodelic vortex of prismatic vibrancy.

1. I am Shmobin... FLYING MONKEY POWER!!!

by Shifty Eyed Goat May 8, 2004
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phrase. "Shut Up." Commonly used during instant messaging as a shorthand varient to request someone's silence.
IM person 1: Dude, your girlfriend's ass it HOT
IM person 2: You need to s/u man, she's right here
by Shifty Eyed Goat September 11, 2006
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expletive phrase. The adding of -izzle to the end of "omg" to add emphasis to the expletive meaning.

Used especially in conjunction with "fo shizzle" directly ensuing the phrase.
Person A: Do0d, you just got BEAT by the chick!
Person B: omgizzle! I suck ass, yo.
by Shifty Eyed Goat June 8, 2004
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