8 definitions by Shaun W

Someone with an extensive knowledge of all things drug related for example; Alternative names, methods of getting high etc.
Person 1: "Is Gaz coming to the party tonight?"
Person 2: "I hope so, last week he showed us speed bombs with tissue paper. He's such a Leisure Suit Gary."
by Shaun W October 3, 2007
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Like an Apprenticeship, a Bourkeiship is the act of being paid as a tradesman, doing tradesman's work and claiming to be a tradesman without having actually done a trade.
Gary: "Did you know Lanny's a printer?"
Trevor: "Naaaah, he's only done a Bourkeiship."
by Shaun W October 9, 2007
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Term coined for a bogan male. Normally sporting an untrendy haircut, drinking bundy rum and driving a ute.
Brooke: Oh my god Hydro! Look at that bloke! He's such a yobbo!
Hydro: He's worse than that! He's a Wilko!
by Shaun W October 4, 2007
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A person who kills his own team, or generally acts unsociably in an online game.
"That smacktard shot me to get to the plane before me!"
by Shaun W June 30, 2005
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A town in Victoria, Australia. Approximately 40 mins from Melbourne, it's inhabitants sport mullets and drive 1985 XD Falcons. Most people are born in Sunbury, live in Sunbury and die in Sunbury. Recreational activites include attending 'The Attic Nightclub', smoking bongs by the creek behind the secondary school, cutting laps of the two main shopping strips and gatecrashing parties. It shames the youth to say they've spent some of the best times of their lives there.
"Wanna come to a party in Sunbury?"
"Nah man! I value my life."
by Shaun W October 4, 2007
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Short for 'Jackie Brabham' (The formula one driver). Refers to anyone that goes really fast, talks really fast and is larger than life.
Person one: Is Hanna coming to the party tonight?
Person two: I bloody hope so! She's the life of the party, such a brab.
by Shaun W October 4, 2007
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Mopy, emotional Indie or rock music for girls e.g. Train or Death Cab For Cutie
My girlfriend was in a bad mood so she curled up on the couch and listened to some Clunge-Grunge.
by Shaun W November 9, 2014
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