3 definitions by Shannanana

A vacation taken by gay folk. Activities to include speedo wearing, sipping drinks with mini-umbrellas, many games of twister (with our without speedos) and perving at other speedo-wearing gayers.
See also holigay.
Shannon: What you doing this weekend, doll?
Guy: I'm going on vacation to Rio with Will for two whole weeks.
Shannon: Ooooooh a VAGAYTION!! How jubbly!!
by Shannanana August 30, 2007
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A vacation taken by gay folk. Activities to include speedo wearing, sipping drinks with mini-umbrellas, many games of twister (with our without speedos) and perving at other speedo-wearing gayers.
See also holigay.
Shannon: What you doing this weekend, doll?
Guy: I'm going on vacation to Rio with Will for two whole weeks.
Shannon: Ooooooh a VAGAYTION!! How jubbly!!
by Shannanana July 17, 2007
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A holiday or mini-break partaken by gay folk usually to a destination full of other gay folk. Said destination is usually of a warmer climate requiring maximum sun lotion application and minimal apparel.
Mikey: OMG I am SO psyched about my big holigay to Barcelona with Nathan!
by Shannanana June 16, 2007
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