14 definitions by Shan

another name for "earth"
also another way to say "to steal food"
Marni! You so just Star Jonesed my gummy bears!!!!!
by Shan February 16, 2004
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Stimulation of the reproductive organ performed orally!
Your boyfriend gave me the best head ever. He must be a pro!
by Shan December 17, 2003
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A person having any of these characteristics: unattractive, unclean, and overall unpleasant to look at, is BUSTED!
The girl with the braids is cute, but her friend is BUSTED!
by Shan December 17, 2003
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The term morish refers to a thing ,person or event that you like or would like more of
MMmm thats so morish,
by Shan April 15, 2003
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A name for someone extremely super cool and friendlishly scrumptrulecent.
Me: Hey! Poodle!
Marni: Shan! You just Shanned my cool whip!
by Shan February 16, 2004
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a scally is a fucking dichead who thins hes hard but not.
scally: er wot the fuck does dat cow fins shes doin givin me dirties the fucing bitch/hoe
by Shan June 27, 2004
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some one who handels "bitches" and hoes" 50 cent is a pimp..yes
she only want me for my pimp juice
by Shan April 3, 2004
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