3 definitions by Shaft Foshizzle

When you piss or spuge in a coffee cup or mug of a co-worker, dump it out, and put it back where you found it. Taking a picture of the whole incident really adds to the effect when the co-worker finds out the next morning during coffee break.
Tom was really pissed when he found out I gave his mug a Devastating Dana.
by Shaft Foshizzle December 23, 2004
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A Blistering Mickey is when you leave a little gift I like to call poopie tucked inside somebodies shoe.
Shannon pissed me off so I left a Blistering Mickey in her shoe, the dumb ho-bag.
by Shaft Foshizzle December 23, 2004
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When you poop in the glovebox of sombodies car.
That fucking customer pissed me off so I gave her car the Shaft Foshizzle Special.
by Shaft Foshizzle December 23, 2004
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