9 definitions by Sean Piece

A name commonly associated with Satan, the devil of Christian theology. The origin is most likely a mistranslated passage of the Bible, in which a prince named Lucifer is compared to the fallen angel. The terms Lucifer and Satan are now often interchaneable, and many believe that Lucifer was his name before he fell from grace.
"I am Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness! Behold my power and tremble! Boogity-boogity-boo!"
by Sean Piece October 16, 2003
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Anyone who sacrifices artistic integrity in an effort to become more successful or popular (generally in music); someone who forgets their roots.
by Sean Piece August 4, 2003
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The gentle shaking of one's penis after urination to insure that any remaining urine is expelled before pulling one's pants up.
Dave rememberd to shake off because he didn't want to stain his boxers.
by Sean Piece September 26, 2003
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1) To move the garbage from indoors to outdoors so that the sanitation people may take it to a landfill.
2) Term used, usually in movies, where the good guy gives the bad guy(s) what's coming to them.
"It's time to take out the trash!" said the hero before he bludgeoned the villain with a lead pipe.
by Sean Piece October 15, 2003
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