5 definitions by Schubert

When you include to many incorrect facts into a statement to convince others of your correctness but in all honesty its just bullshit.
Bob just sent me an email but it is full of inaccuracies. I think it's just conjecturisationisms.
by Schubert July 27, 2021
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Being tricked into buying something you think will reap hugh benefits down the road when in reality it's not worth shit. A long con.
Dave bought into a company cause he thought it had great potential but he got fucked over, and the potential was greatly exaggerated, ultimately he realised he'd been "accustemmed"
by Schubert August 20, 2021
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1. Street slang, meaning "bad".
2. To assassinate another "mo-fo".
3. Nickelwhack
1. "Man, that's whack!"
2. Tony the legitimate Sicilian businessman got whacked.
3. Hairy Canadian band.
by Schubert November 26, 2003
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"I heard company abc have just been awarded a $10 billion contract"

"No way! Where's your source"
" I can't remember where I read it but its true"
"Hmm, me thinks your source is make-it-uppery"
by Schubert November 30, 2020
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When you upset some Russian people they will pay you a visit with a "novichok" umbrella to teach you a lesson.
Sam upset some Russian business men last week and they sent a few colleagues to umbrellaise him. Poked with a poisoned umbrella hence he'd been umbrellaised.
by Schubert July 28, 2021
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