4 definitions by Schro


A feeling often brought on by the publishing of a word you submitted to urban dictionary
I just won a new car, but I am more excited about getting a word published on urban dictionary!
by Schro November 25, 2014
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to beat or hit
to strike someone with high intensity
i will bludge you over the head
by Schro October 15, 2006
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SubUrban Dictionary

A website that should be created to post all of the words that get declined from being posted on Urban Dictionary. It's a wonderful idea that should be carried out.
I wish Urban Dictionary would create a website called SubUrban Dictionary to publish all the words that they decline to posting on the website
by Schro November 25, 2014
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Something achieved when posts for urban dictionary get declined
I am full of sadness because urban dictionary did not publish my word.
by Schro November 25, 2014
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