33 definitions by Savejimmyneutronandvictorious

A trilogy of crossovers between some of nicks best nicktoons. The Fairly Odd Parents and Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius. The first was great. The second one was amazing. But the third one. Not so good
I just Rewatched the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour Again
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Game shakers is discount ICarly kinda like how Sam and cat are discount drake and josh but at least Sam and cat is okay game shakers is cancer
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A channel with an Interesting history. First it just aired reruns of old shows. But then around the mid to late 90s they started getting original programming. This started the first good age of Cartoon Network. But then around the mid to late 2000s it went downhill. The original shows have ended and they started putting out live action shows, ON CARTOON FREAKING NETWORK! Fortunately in 2010 came adventure time and later that year regular show which helped revive the network. Other good shows came later too like the amazing world of Gumball and Steven universe. And there where NO MORE LIVE ACTION SHOWS! This started the next good era and this is also the era I grow up on! they where doing great again! But then came teen titans go. While the show is bad that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is that they would not stop airing it! This caused the channel to go downhill again. However I still stand by it not being worse than the CN real era, since at least here they still had all the good shows I mentioned. Then TTG reruns have fortunately slowed down now but the channel still needs some better content to become great again like the where a decade ago.
Cartoon Network is at least better than nick is now and has been for about a decade
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